Forever Young

Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 ? 0 FingerPrint ?

I want a friend that's 100% real with me . A friend that i can have a heart to heart conversation with without the fear of being judge . I want a friend who understands me , one who actually listens to what i have to say most importantly one who cares .  I'm tired of having friends that act like they care .

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For the first time !
Thursday, June 21, 2012 ? 0 FingerPrint ?

Assalammualaikum :)

Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry , it's not that i'm busy or what . I just.... yeah trying to get back my mood . My mood was missing for a few days and weeks maybe . And now im trying to catched it back but im still can't find it . Well semua orang cakap , life must go on ape ape pun . Yeah setuju sangat with that and i'm trying lah ni . Kenapa saya tak de mood ? Hmm there's alots of things i have to think . One of that it's about my feelings , i have to take care of my feelings too , it's not other's feeling je kene fikir . Come on , i don't wanna be so call as selfish . I'm not that type of human . In this world , i did sacrifies so many things termasuklah my feeling, the person who i loved the most , and others friendship . Semua aku kene sacrifies . Lama - lama aku yang gila kalau hari - hari macam ni  .

Now , i think i have to walk away from you . From the person who i love the most . Yeap ! It's hurt but i have to . Stay away from this fuck up things . Time - time mcm ni i need my friends ,  don't need more just them . To all my lovely friends , thank you for your support and advice :)

Thanks for reading :)

Don't forget to LOVE yourself
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 ? 0 FingerPrint ?

Sayang diri sendiri or Sayang orang lain lagi penting ??

Yang mana satu lagi penting ? Sayang diri sendiri or sayang orang lain yang lagi penting ? Jangan cakap dua-dua . Gua kasi pilih satu je . Siapa jawab dua-dua memang nak kene Sekeh . Hahaa :D

FYI , Kita hidup ni memang kena saling menyayangi . Memang kena sayang diri sendiri and orang lain . Tapi biarlah kena dengan caranya . Silap cara boleh makan diri tauu .

Kalau kita tak sayang diri sendiri. siapa lagi yang nak sayang kita ?

Tepuk dada tanya hati . Adakah anda sayang diri anda ? or anda lebih sayang kepada Girlfriend , Boyfriend anda ? Fikirkanlah . . . 
Kalau kita tak sayang diri kita , biarkan diri rosak dengan benda yang bukan-bukan . Siapa lagi yang akan sayang kita ? Kalau kita dah rosak ,  ada ke yang mahukan kita ? so before nak buat apa-apa  fikirkan dulu tentang diri sendiri . Jangan biarkan orang berharap kepada kita sedangkan diri sendiri pun tak boleh diharap ^^

So jadikanlah Al-Quran sebagai Pegangan Hidup . Mengadu pada manusia , manusia hanya boleh dengar and says " kesiannya.. sabarlah ye "
tapi kalau kita mengadu pada ALLAH , pada Family . Segala masalah pasti akan dapat diselesaikan . Ingatlah , walaupun orang sekeliling benci and hina kita . Family kita akan tetap sayang kita and terima kita walau macam mana sekalipun . Jangan pernah lupakan family meskipun anda sedang berbahagia bersama couple anda :)

Apa-apa pun , Saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang ada baik buruknya . K assalamualaikum ...

Thanks for reading :)

Friendship is a million little things
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 ? 0 FingerPrint ?

Friends are like stars, you can't always see them but you no they are always there ! 

Dear Best Friends ,
Please stay in my life Forever because you're one of the best things to ever happend to me :)

If you Fall . . .

I Fall . . .

If you Cry . . .

I Cry . . .

I feel the pain you have inside . . .

I'll always be there for you

I love you best friend !

Take Note : True friends are very difficult to find , hard to leave , and impossible to forget .

Thanks for reading :)

You are the best dad , simply the best

The most Special Birthday and Father's Day wishes to the Best Man in the whole Universe . My Father . I LOVE YOU MOST and always love you ♥ I love you till the rest of my life :)

Credit to My Dad , Mat Zamzuri Bin Zakaria :)

Thanks for reading :)

CUKUPLAH hanya dalam diam
Monday, June 18, 2012 ? 0 FingerPrint ?

Aku belajar Melupakan seseorang yang Lupakan aku 

Aku belajar Maafkan semua yang Menyakiti aku

Aku belajar jadi yang Terbaik untuk orang yang aku Sayang

tapi ada sesuatu yang tak boleh aku pelajari 

'' Harus belajar Tersenyum disaat orang yang aku sayang Menyayangi orang lain ''

Thanks for reading :)

Sometimes being too nice is DANGEROUS !
Sunday, June 10, 2012 ? 0 FingerPrint ?

I'm tired,

Tired of everything ,

Sick of everything ,

Fed-up with everything ,

I wish i could have a pair of wings,

so that , i can fly anytime and anywhere i want .

Thanks for reading :)

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